Panels Cutting Optimization

Media Taglio

Media Taglio is object oriented, for the planning of activities linked to production, integrated to the optimization of panel cutting.

The goal of this program is to solve the optimization problems and integrate completely with your business reality.

Operational functions of the program


Parameter and input management of the different basic configurations of the machining operations and of the default values, tables for the assignment of cutting measurements (L x H) panels dimensions, thicknesses of the blades, priority and cutting / pre-cutting optimization, with the preview of formats , prices, solutions and related prints.


Insertion of the management of the production parameters of the order to be produced for the respective processes. Optimization calculation with layout of the machining values: No. of panels and calculation sheets number. Perpetual optimization of the relative optimized calculations, interrupting the perpetual click on the part of the operator, with indication of the calculations reached by the system up to that moment, with the possibility of continuing to optimize, or terminating the procedure, because the calculation of optimization is considered valid and sufficient by the responsible officer.

Moreover, within the system, for every job order launch, it keeps always stored the last ten optimizations generated. giving the user the possibility to choose even the best of the ten proposals / solutions obtained, summarizing: Number of sheets calculated No. of Schemes obtained and the percentage of optimization and rejection of the order. Relative detail for each of the ten best optimizations.

Possibility of modifying the printing sequence of the cutting sheet on the video, inverting the priorities at the level of execution of the cut output to be cut.

Possibility of video management in graphic mode (visual), with immediate result on video directly in the cutting plane, the forcing of parameters and measurements of the single section inside the cutting plane (variation of the section / s in manual).


MediaDesign Taglio reduces waste and maximize productivity while reducing operating costs

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Mediadesign taglio
Mediadesign taglio


With this table you can enter the parameters to customize the optimization according to your needs. The parameters concern:

Blade thickness in millimeters.
TagliZ ammessi:
It assumes value 1 if it's admitted that there are sections of different heights in the same horizontal band. If at the end of a strip there is space and there are no sections of the same height to add, add sections of lower height.
Difference height Taglio Z:
If "TagliZ ammessi" is different from zero this is the maximum difference allowed between the heights of two sections of the same strip.
Difference Heights:
It is similar to the previous parameter. It takes small values (eg 4mm). When two sections year the height that differs less than this amount (eg 573 × 570 573 × 573) considers them as if they had the same height.
Different measures in the crosspieces:
Maximum amount of different sections in a horizontal band.
Number of horizontal bands:
Maximum number of horizontal bands with different height.
Number of vertical bands:
Maximum number of vertical bands per scheme.
Excess Percentage:
Percentage allowed to increase piece quantity to reduce waste.
Respect max amount:
If selected, does not increase the required quantities.
With Vena:
If the sections are selected they can only be placed horizontally, otherwise also vertically.
Maximum measurements per scheme:
Maximum number of different sections that can be produced from a schema.
Max open stack:
The number of open stacks in a pattern is the number of sections that have been produced in the previous schemes, but have not yet been completed. The optimizer attempts to stay below this number by first completing the sections that were started in the previous diagrams.
Coefficient reduction n° schemes:
It is a value ranging from 0.01 to 0.06. The higher this value is, the more the number of schemes is reduced. The decrease in the number of schemes almost always increases the net loss.
Exp. Large pieces:
parameter to give precedence to larger measures.
Minimize average difference quantity pieces:
Parameter to ensure that the large and small pieces are balanced as much as possible in all patterns.
Exclude schemes with 1 panel:
If selected, it doesn't allow diagrams with 1 panel.
Maximum package height:
Identifies the maximum height accepted by the panel saw.
If it is selected, the pre-cut is allowed.
Minimum pre-cut amount:
Minimum distance from the left of the vertical cut.
Maximum pre-cut quote:
Maximum distance from the left of the vertical cut.
Pre-cut cost:
Cost of pre-cutting processing.
Cost of horizontal bands:
Cost of processing for each horizontal band.
Cost of vertical bands:
Cost of processing for each vertical band.
Cycle change cost:
Machine cost for cycle change.
Cost of material to the MC:
Cost of material per cubic meter.
Weight net loss:
Value to order results by cost or net loss.
Trimming X:
Millimeters of horizontal trimming.
Trimming Y:
Millimeters of vertical trimming.
Pre-cut trimming:
Millimeters of trimming for pre-cutting.
Modulnova Catalogo

Table of formats

This table defines the measurements of all the panel formats used for optimization.

The table contains the material, the thickness, the dimensions, the quantity available and a precedence index. Panels of the same material and thickness have different precedence indices ranging from 1 onwards. During the calculation the panels with precedence index 1 are filled until the available quantity is exhausted, then the ones with precedence index 2 and so on

Modulnova Catalogo

Calculation of the solution

This phase allows to find the best solution for the measures to be optimized. You select the material and thickness of the crosspieces and rods that you want to use in the calculation. The parameters are displayed to be able to modify them.

While performing the calculation, you can press the Esc key to stop it. The data of the solution found are displayed and the calculation can be permanently interrupted or continued.
Once the calculation is complete, a list of solutions found by the program is displayed.

Preview and Print calculated solution:

Print the summary of the optimized job order. Print summary, panels to be detailed (graphic print), with the indication of nr. of sheets and the percentage incidence of optimization for each cutting plane.

The "priority optimization" function was also implemented, calculating, in addition to optimizing the different sections of the order, the machining priority.

With the preview and the print the calculated solutions are proposed, written of all the information regarding the production plan:

  • Formats of the panels used
  • Numbers of the panels used
  • Numbers of schemes
  • Number of machine cycles
  • Drawings of calculated cut patterns