
App or Mobile Site?

App or Mobile Site?

App or website responsive? We Know that nowadays the user experience is fundamental, because users want to navigate from mobile in a simple and immediate way. To ensure that the experience on the site is of quality, you have to consider whether to invest in a responsive site or in a mobile application. The best solution would be to develop both.

First we can say that when it comes to buying, users prefer to live a’mobile experience, almost completely excluding desktop activities. This is confirmed by the website criteo attraverso il H1 2016 State of Mobile Commerce Report.

As far as the difference between apps and mobile sites is concerned, some very important factors have to be assessed. These include: the target, the budget available and the objectives you want to achieve.
Both of course have advantages and disadvantages to take into account in order to make an informed decision.

Mobile site
What distinguishes a mobile website from a standard is the fact that the first one is responsive, that is that the contents adapt automatically depending on the device that is used. It can be an excellent choice for those who decide to make a restyling of their site. 

The advantages are:
- the structure and graphics will be adapted on any screen, with the best display with any resolution
-  mobile sites are, unlike applications, used during the initial search and discovery phase, and only when the user will be “attached” the site will download the application
- mobile sites give the perception of containing more information than apps, 49% of people say
- a site is faster to update than a mobile app

mobile site

App mobile
To be able to use an application, it must be downloaded and installed from the platform of your device. App Store for users who use iPhones and iPads, Google Play for users with Android operating system.

The advantages are:
- the interface speed
- more involvement than the mobile site
- internet connection is often not required
- increase customer loyalty
- can reach the user at any time through the sendingof some push notifications (must be minimally invasive and not annoying)

app mobile

When we talk about online shopping, 30% of purchase made on the web are made from mobile.  It is therefore essential for companies to be able to identify the best strategy for exploiting the benefits of these two channels.

The mobile website is certainly useful and necessary for the first approach with the customer, and it is important to make him live the best experience so that later download the app, thus acquiring new customers.

Would you like to develop a responsive website or mobile application? Visit our site and the area to MEDIASTUDIO Services Contact us at

Hashtag: #app #appmobile #sitowebresponsive #sitemobile #design #android #ios #mobilefriendly

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