
The creativity of our Made in Italy

The creativity of our Made in Italy

In this difficult moment of global emergency, many donations have been made by companies and individuals to come to help Italian health facilities, which these days face the difficulties in treating and assisting patients infected with the virus.

There have been many initiatives to financially support Hospitals and Civil Protection. The most important Italian brands in the world of cars, together with the big names in fashion, cosmetics and alcoholic beverage producers, have made available their tools and their companies, reconverting production activities to help and fight the COVID-19 and soon return to our normal life.

The ARMANI Group (Milan), after its important donation allocated to Italian hospitals in recent weeks, has decided to make another major contribution, converting the corporate production of all its Italian factories, producing disposable gowns for health care workers, who daily are busy against this invisible enemy.

armani disposable gowns

FERRARI (Modena), the undisputed brand of the automotive sector, has taken to the track, in support of hospitals. Ferrari supports Siare Engineering, a company that produces respiratory, manufacturing lung ventalators in the factory in Maranello, necessary to keep alive people in intensive care.

ferrari maranello lung ventilators

Armani is not the only maison that has converted its production. GUCCI, the Florentine fashion house, has been activated to fight the pandemic with donations and fundraising to support the health service and the creation of new beds for intensive therapies. Gucci also engaged in the production of 1.100.000 anti-virus masks and 55,000 protective coats for the Tuscany Region. Also PRADA, in response to the appeal of Tuscany will provide 110.000 masks and 80.000 gowns for health workers.

BULGARI, international luxury brand, following its donation to the Spallanzani Hospital in Rome for the purchase of a 3D microscope, essential for research, has decided to make its cosmetic laboratories available for the production of bottles of hand disinfectant gel to be supplied to all medical facilities. All under the coordination of the Italian Government.

Not only big luxury brands, even the companies of triveneto, have transformed their production to the benefit of protection devices.

GRAFICA VENETA (Padova), a leading company specialized in the printing of newspapers and books, goes to the rescue of the citizens with the production of 2 million masks to protect nose and mouth. These will be distributed free of charge, to be used in all daily actions.

masks grafica veneta
The Governor of the Veneto Region Luca Zaia during the presentation of the masks produced by Grafica Veneta Spa

FELIS salotti, a company of Pordenone known for the production of sofas and beds, has not remained inactive but, forced to stop its usual production, like many other companies, decided to contribute and move to the production of masks.

In exceptional times such as these, surprising actions are carried out.

The big international brands and not only do they team up, and they go to the aid of their country. Italy, has never been so united and it is showing its strength, demonstrating to the whole world that together can face any adversity.

You must NEVER give up, united you get up... ALWAYS.

italian flag

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