
E-commerce post coronavirus: the importance of having an online shop

E-commerce post coronavirus: the importance of having an online shop

How important is selling on the web today?

Having an e-commerce has proved very strategic to face the restrictions put in place by the Government against the spread of the virus.

The period, that forced everyone to confine themselves at home, limiting travel, led Italian consumers to change their purchasing habits: they saw in fact in e-commerce the solution to buy every type of product.

So there was a boom in online purchases never seen before, which also put in trouble the big e-commerce like Amazon, which found itself having to stop shipments of goods not needed to give priority to the goods of first need.

Once again, digital tools have allowed many businesses not to stop and keep their business active, gain more profits and increase interaction with customers despite the lockdown.

But what numbers did the e-commerce market during the lockdown?

statistics foodstuffs coronavirus

The estimates presented by Netcomm, the reference point of the market of e-commerce and digital retail in the Italian and international scene,  have recorded over 1.3 million online consumers in a month, with peaks in food (+130%) and domestic supply (+126%).

Traders, faced with these numbers, have understood that digital is no longer an option, but a NECESSITY, a STRATEGY for the development of their business even after the reopening of stores. 77% of merchant online also say that they acquired new customers during the COVID-19 emergency phase.

Will this growth trend continue despite the evolution of the economic and health crisis?

statistics market sectors post covid

With the restart and the possibility to move freely, the precautions for the health of all must be maintained. A lot of people will prefer to continue shopping online to avoid long lines and stay in closed places with numerous people.

During 2020 e-commerce is the sector that will grow more (+55%) worldwide despite the impact of the COVID-19, becoming for all companies an essential tool for the near future.

Innovate and renew: these are the watchwords for businessmen who today must rethink their business strategy to cope with the consequences of lockdown and life in phase 2.

Don’t you have an online shop?

Don’t lag behind! Expand your business and start selling your products on the web.

Look to the future and rely on professionals: they will help you to build your online store and adapt it to your needs.

Visit our E-commerce area and download our technical sheets.

For more information CLICK HERE



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